
compactor is a pure python implementation of libprocess, the actor library underpinning mesos.

getting started

implementing a process is a matter of subclassing compactor.Process. you can “install” methods on processes using the install decorator. this makes them remotely callable.

import threading

from compactor import install, spawn, Process

class PingProcess(Process):
  def initialize(self):
    self.pinged = threading.Event()

  def ping(self, from_pid, body):

# construct the process
ping_process = PingProcess('ping_process')

# spawn the process, binding it to the current global context

# send a message to the process
client = Process('client')
client.send(, 'ping')

# ensure the message was delivered

each context is, in essence, a listening (ip, port) pair.

by default there is a global, singleton context. use compactor.spawn to spawn a process on it. by default it will bind to on an arbitrary port. this can be overridden using the LIBPROCESS_IP and LIBPROCESS_PORT environment variables.

alternately, you can create an instance of a compactor.Context, explicitly passing it port= and ip= keywords. you can then call the spawn method on it to bind processes.

spawning a process does two things: it binds the process to the context, creating a pid, and initializes the process. the pid is a unique identifier used for routing purposes. in practice, it consists of an (ip, port, name) tuple, where the ip and port are those of the context, and the name is the name of the process.

when a process is spawned, its initialize method is called. this can be used to initialize state or initiate connections to other services, as illustrated in the following example.

leader/follower pattern

import threading
import uuid
from compactor import install
from compactor.process import Process

class Leader(Process):
  def __init__(self):
    super(Leader, self).__init__('leader')
    self.followers = set()

  def register(self, from_pid, uuid):
    self.send(from_pid, 'registered', uuid)

class Follower(Process):
  def __init__(self, name, leader_pid):
    super(Follower, self).__init__(name)
    self.leader_pid = leader_pid
    self.uuid = uuid.uuid4().bytes
    self.registered = threading.Event()

  def initialize(self):
    super(Follower, self).initialize()
    self.send(self.leader_pid, 'register', self.uuid)

  def exited(self, from_pid):

  def registered(self, from_pid, uuid):
    if uuid == self.uuid:

with this, you can create two separate contexts:

from compactor import Context

leader_context = Context(port=5051)
leader = Leader()

# at this point, is a unique identifier for this leader process
# and can be disseminated via service discovery or passed explicitly to other services,
# e.g. 'leader@'.  the follower can be spawned in the same process,
# in a separate process, or on a separate machine.

follower_context = Context()
follower = Follower('follower1',


this effectively initiates a handshake between the leader and follower processes, a common pattern building distributed systems using the actor model.

the link method links the two processes together. should the connection be severed, the exited method on the process will be called.

protocol buffer processes

mesos uses protocol buffers over the wire to support RPC. compactor supports this natively. simply subclass ProtobufProcess instead and use ProtobufProcess.install

from compactor.process import ProtobufProcess
from service_pb2 import ServiceRequestMessage, ServiceResponseMessage

class Service(ProtobufProcess):
  def request(self, from_pid, message):
    # message is a deserialized protobuf ServiceRequestMessage
    response = ServiceResponseMessage(...)
    # self.send automatically serializes the response, a protocol buffer, over the wire.
    self.send(from_pid, response)