
Global methods

Some methods are proxied to the global singleton Context in order to make simple programs simpler to write. These methods do the Right Thing™ for most use-cases.


Join against the global context – blocking until the context has been stopped.

compactor.spawn(*args, **kw)[source]

Spawn a process on the global context and return its pid.

Parameters:process (Process) – The process to bind to the global context.
Returns pid:The pid of the spawned process.
Return type:PID


from import PID
pid = PID.from_string('slave(1)@')
class, port, id_)[source]
__init__(ip, port, id_)[source]

Construct a pid.

  • ip (str) – An IP address in string form.
  • port (int) – The port of this pid.
  • id (str) – The name of the process.
classmethod from_string(pid)[source]

Parse a PID from its string representation.

PIDs may be represented as name@ip:port, e.g.

pid = PID.from_string('master(1)@')
Parameters:pid (str) – A string representation of a pid.
Returns:The parsed pid.
Return type:PID
Raises:ValueError should the string not be of the correct syntax.


from compactor.process import Process

class PingProcess(Process):
  def initialize(self):
    super(PingProcess, self).initialize()
    self.pinged = threading.Event()

  def ping(self, from_pid, body):
class compactor.process.Process(name)[source]

Create a process with a given name.

The process must still be bound to a context before it can send messages or link to other processes.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of this process.

The context that this process is bound to.

Raises:Will raise a Process.UnboundProcess exception if the process is not bound to a context.

Called when a linked process terminates or its connection is severed.

Parameters:pid (PID) – The pid of the linked process.

Called when this process is spawned.

Once this is called, it means a process is now routable. Subclasses should implement this to initialize state or possibly initiate connections to remote processes.

classmethod install(mbox)[source]

A decorator to indicate a remotely callable method on a process.

from compactor.process import Process

class PingProcess(Process):
  def ping(self, from_pid, body):
    # do something

The installed method should take from_pid and body parameters. from_pid is the process calling the method. body is a bytes stream that was delivered with the message, possibly empty.

Parameters:mbox (str) – Incoming messages to this “mailbox” will be dispatched to this method.

Link to another process.

The link operation is not guaranteed to succeed. If it does, when the other process terminates, the exited method will be called with its pid.

Returns immediately.

Parameters:to (PID) – The pid of the process to send a message.
Raises:Will raise a Process.UnboundProcess exception if the process is not bound to a context.

The pid of this process.

Raises:Will raise a Process.UnboundProcess exception if the process is not bound to a context.
classmethod route(path)[source]

A decorator to indicate that a method should be a routable HTTP endpoint.

from compactor.process import Process

class WebProcess(Process):
  def hello_world(self, handler):
    return handler.write('<html><title>hello world</title></html>')

The handler passed to the method is a tornado RequestHandler.

WARNING: This interface is alpha and may change in the future if or when we remove tornado as a compactor dependency.

Parameters:path (str) – The endpoint to route to this method.
send(to, method, body=None)[source]

Send a message to another process.

Sending messages is done asynchronously and is not guaranteed to succeed.

Returns immediately.

  • to (PID) – The pid of the process to send a message.
  • method (str) – The method/mailbox name of the remote method.
  • body (bytes or None) – The optional content to send with the message.

Will raise a Process.UnboundProcess exception if the process is not bound to a context.




Terminate this process.

This unbinds it from the context to which it is bound.

Raises:Will raise a Process.UnboundProcess exception if the process is not bound to a context.
class compactor.process.ProtobufProcess(name)[source]

Bases: compactor.process.Process

classmethod install(message_type)[source]

A decorator to indicate a remotely callable method on a process using protocol buffers.

from compactor.process import ProtobufProcess
from messages_pb2 import RequestMessage, ResponseMessage

class PingProcess(ProtobufProcess):
  def ping(self, from_pid, message):
    # do something with message, a RequestMessage
    response = ResponseMessage(...)
    # send a protocol buffer which will get serialized on the wire.
    self.send(from_pid, response)

The installed method should take from_pid and message parameters. from_pid is the process calling the method. message is a protocol buffer of the installed type.

Parameters:message_type (A generated protocol buffer stub) – Incoming messages to this message_type will be dispatched to this method.
send(to, message)[source]

Send a message to another process.

Same as Process.send except that message is a protocol buffer.

Returns immediately.

  • to (PID) – The pid of the process to send a message.
  • message – The message to send

Will raise a Process.UnboundProcess exception if the process is not bound to a context.




from compactor.context import Context

context = Context(ip='', port=8081)

ping_process = PingProcess('ping')
ping_pid = context.spawn(ping_process)

class compactor.context.Context(delegate='', loop=None, ip=None, port=None)[source]

A compactor context.

Compactor contexts control the routing and handling of messages between processes. At its most basic level, a context is a listening (ip, port) pair and an event loop.

__init__(delegate='', loop=None, ip=None, port=None)[source]

Construct a compactor context.

Before any useful work can be done with a context, you must call start on the context.

  • ip (str or None) – The ip port of the interface on which the Context should listen. If none is specified, the context will attempt to bind to the ip specified by the LIBPROCESS_IP environment variable. If this variable is not set, it will bind on all interfaces.
  • port (int or None) – The port on which the Context should listen. If none is specified, the context will attempt to bind to the port specified by the LIBPROCESS_PORT environment variable. If this variable is not set, it will bind to an ephemeral port.
delay(amount, pid, method, *args)[source]

Call a method on another process after a specified delay.

This is equivalent to dispatch except with an additional amount of time to wait prior to invoking the call.

This function returns immediately.

  • amount (float or int) – The amount of time to wait in seconds before making the call.
  • pid (PID) – The pid of the process to be called.
  • method (str) – The name of the method to be called.


dispatch(pid, method, *args)[source]

Call a method on another process by its pid.

The method on the other process does not need to be installed with Process.install. The call is serialized with all other calls on the context’s event loop. The pid must be bound to this context.

This function returns immediately.

  • pid (PID) – The pid of the process to be called.
  • method (str) – The name of the method to be called.


Link a local process to a possibly remote process.

Note: It is more idiomatic to call link directly on the bound Process object instead.

When pid is linked to to, the termination of the to process (or the severing of its connection from the Process pid) will result in the local process’ exited method to be called with to.

This method returns immediately.

  • pid (PID) – The pid of the linking process.
  • to (PID) – The pid of the linked process.


send(from_pid, to_pid, method, body=None)[source]

Send a message method from one pid to another with an optional body.

Note: It is more idiomatic to send directly from a bound process rather than calling send on the context.

If the destination pid is on the same context, the Context may skip the wire and route directly to process itself. from_pid must be bound to this context.

This method returns immediately.

  • from_pid (PID) – The pid of the sending process.
  • to_pid (PID) – The pid of the destination process.
  • method (str) – The method name of the destination process.
  • body (bytes or None) – Optional content to send along with the message.



Spawn a process.

Spawning a process binds it to this context and assigns the process a pid which is returned. The process’ initialize method is called.

Note: A process cannot send messages until it is bound to a context.

Parameters:process (Process) – The process to bind to this context.
Returns:The pid of the process.
Return type:PID

Start the context. This method must be called before calls to send and spawn.

This method is non-blocking.


Stops the context. This terminates all PIDs and closes all connections.


Terminate a process bound to this context.

When a process is terminated, all the processes to which it is linked will be have their exited methods called. Messages to this process will no longer be delivered.

This method returns immediately.

Parameters:pid (PID) – The pid of the process to terminate.